
How to add my Vendor item list's to TSM.

I did do a video about setting up groups for vendor items, but that shows more about setting up prices and doesn't show how to Import strings of items or how to use Restocker. Some people in my Twitch chat have asked for a list that they can import right into TradeSkillMaster. So I thought I would start again as I've worked hard to make sure I've got all the items from Orgrimmar and Stormwind. I'm planning on visting Dalaran and Stattrath to see if there is anything there I can sell and make gold!!

Please not that you may want to download all of the modules for TradeSkillMaster. Here is the link to my page with all the Addons Used.

Setting up "Shinn's List"

First thing you need to do is open up TradeSkillMaster and then click the Groups tab, which will take you to this point and this is where 

When you get here you need to set up a subgroup. I've going to set my up in my main Auctioning group. Next click the Management tab and this will take you to the shot below.

Once you get here you need to add the name of the Subgroup, I used Vendor Items, but you can use whatever you want. Just make sure you click the OK button.

How that you have set up your subgroup, which you can see below. Next you need to add the items, which is done by using the Import/Export Tab. So click this tab and it will look like the picture below and this where you to add this list of numbers into the Import box. Copy and paste this string......


Make sure you remember to click the OK button, because I have done it before and had to start over again!

This is what should happen next to you subgroup. After this you can next work on what price you want to sell these items for. I'm still working on finding the best prices, but some of my friends (Wowprofitz,Killerdamage and ColdfireBE) who use this list make a ton of gold.

Prices used

Here is the how i set up my prices right now.........they're very basic until I find out what sells the best and the worst and then think about changing the prices.

Minimum price- 25g
Normal price- 50g
Maximum price- 100g

But as you know every realm is different and Vendor items don't sell that well, but I'm sure if you take your time and work out your best prices......it will be a good market. Also this is a really useful if you want to start afresh on a new realm and don't have much gold. So please let me know if this post helped you in any way and if know of anything I have missed please leave a comment and I will add it to the string.


Restocker is a module of TradeSkillMaster that I use for helping making sure that I have all the vendor items I need. The way I use is to set up two Operations called Bags and Vendor. Below shows both Operations. You will need to use the Auction House for the Restocker window to pop up, but this isn't a problem..


This Operation can to added as the main Restocker Operation for the whole Vendor Items subgroup. You just to click the Override Module Operations and the pick Vendor. As you can see I've got it set to twenty, as this stops my back getting to full.


This Operation needs to be added to the Bags part of the subgroup. Do the same as with the Vendor operation.. I've only got this set to one bag, so I don't flood the market....

This is how Restocker will look and you can see it tells you what stock I have and how many I need to buy. Don't worry about the Price part, as this is using the prices from the Auction House and you will be buying from a Vendor Seller. I know this isn't really what Restocker was made for, but I think it works really well!!

I hope you find this post useful in setting up the Vendor List and if you want to find out more about TradeSkillMaster and gold making in general.......please follow me on Twitch and come and watch the stream. I'll always try and help and answer question, so pop into chat and say hi!!


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